I go away
Are just three words I use sometimes
To break the silence of a fragile state
I go away, I say, when the moonlight breaks
Through tufts of cloud wisps
Blue light spilled out at the windowpane
I sift through moods and claim
An imagined room that’s furnished
With a small wish
To go away
To stay among the willow ways
Of trees that bend and sway
(I’m not nearly there)
I’m in the threadbare lair
Laid bare between the days
I daze
In pieces peacefully and hate
The man made chafe
To do as they say
(They say a lot once they get started)
I slip beneath the sunlit haze
To nights lit beneath the stargaze
I go away
To stay among the moonlit gaze
And graze the greatness of the sovereign
To reign among the threadbare lair
Such slender shards untamed
Displayed in frays
And laid
The threadbare lair
I am a sliver of despair